The COVID-19 pandemic exposed a lot of weak links in the US supply chain. However, many industries were able to recover quickly and continue moving goods throughout North America to meet consumer demand during these challenging times. Internet of Things technology has helped businesses to gain valuable insight into how and where things are being transported to improve supply chain logistics. The use of IoT devices for businesses has benefited the trucking industry, allowing suppliers to seamlessly track the global activity of commercial transportation. IoT for Boston businesses can be applied in a wide range of ways to allow for new strategies to be developed as things continue to change. While organizations might have used Internet of Things technology in different ways before the pandemic occurred, it is the way that they are being used now that have made the most significant difference in the way that business is being done.
IoT Devices for Business: The Trucking Industry
When it comes to supply chain logistics in the Greater Boston area, the use of IoT devices for business is extremely valuable when it comes to the trucking industry. These devices can be attached to vehicles and allow for tracking of where they go, how often they are traveling, and estimate delivery time for anxious customers. In addition to these benefits, the extended data that can come from the use of Internet of Things technology can help commercial trucking companies analyze their business in a whole new way. Analytics can include fine details, such as the various classes of vehicles used and the industries that they serve, as well as general commercial transportation across the country. Crossing the US/Canadian and US/Mexico borders can also be tracked independently to monitor the volume of transportation that occurs.
A steady stream of commercial transportation services to grocery stores, pharmacies, and other essential businesses helped Americans to feel more secure during the early days of the pandemic. While there was some consumer panic in the first few weeks of stay-at-home orders across the nation, it eventually evened out and allowed the stock and supply of critical goods to get back to normal levels. Increased purchases of essential goods, such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and other consumer items, offset the decrease in demand for similar items previously used in the workplace and schools. While the same volume of products was needed, the type and intended usage of such items had changed. Internet of Things technology helped many manufacturers and suppliers to effectively pivot and change their approach so they could meet the evolving needs of their customers.
Innovative Technology Solutions
Synivate provides our clients with a wide range of services. However, it is our consulting and strategy services that can offer the most specialized development opportunities. We can assist you and your team in developing, monitoring, and managing IT environments in a way that is essential to the success of your business. If you are interested in incorporating IoT for Boston businesses but aren’t sure what you need or how to begin, our team of highly trained and experienced technology engineers and technicians can help you achieve your goals. We strongly believe that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to the services that we provide, so whether you want to learn more about IoT devices for business or need to implement new options for supply chain logistics, Synivate is here to assist you in meeting all of your industry demands.
We start by working closely with each client to learn all we can about the business and industry that you serve. We learn about your work habits, employees, responsibilities, and even the expectations of your customers to create a comprehensive approach. We believe that ensuring this degree of knowledge and insight is essential to provide you with all of the tools you require to be successful. We also take the time to learn about your computers, software, and communications systems to determine whether you need support in those areas as well to increase security and protect your company’s critical data. Backup and disaster recovery solutions, improved network security, expansion of communications systems, and custom IT strategies are just some of the services that we can provide to help you maximize the return on your investment into IoT for Boston businesses.
Ready to Get Started?
Whether you already know what you want or have IoT devices for business that you need to integrate into your existing network, we can help you develop a strategy for building or managing your entire IT environment. Take advantage of the advancements made with Internet of Things technology to create innovative technology solutions that can help you to further your business and be even more successful within the industry that you service. If you would like to have a conversation about IoT for Boston businesses or talk about any other needs that you might have regarding supply chain logistics or network security, contact Synivate by calling 617-848-1248.