News & Updates

RansomWare: Prevent Attacks Like “WannaCry” With Managed Services

May 25, 2017

WannaCry is a malicious software package that is perhaps one of the most well-known “brands” of RansomWare to the general public, due to all of the headlines it made when it first began affecting computers around the globe on May 12, 2017. This particular RansomWare worm targeted computers that were running Microsoft Windows, and it used the EternalBlue exploit to take advantage of a particular vulnerability in the operating system’s Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.…

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Data Center Virtualization in Sharon, MA: Reduce Business Costs

Apr 13, 2017

Every business of every size is looking for ways to reduce overhead. Less overhead means more profit, which opens up new opportunities for growth. The cost of doing business seems to rise with every passing day, so it pays to choose solutions that can help you to save money, yet still provide all of the benefits you need to succeed. One way to reduce costs is to switch to data center virtualization. This solution is…

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Advantages of DRaaS vs Traditional Backup for Boston Businesses

Apr 13, 2017
Colleagues discussing data on computer screen in modern office.

Looking for an affordable solution that will provide your Boston area business with disaster recovery services to protect your essential data and IT system? Fires, floods, hurricanes, snow storms, and other natural disasters, can wreck havoc on technology-based businesses that rely on computer systems and networks for their daily operations. Other situations, such as cyber attacks, simple user error, and power outages, can cause even more damage, leaving unprotected businesses without a way to recover.…

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Microsoft Is Ending Support for Several Business Applications in 2017

Dec 30, 2016
Servers in a data center with colorful LED indicators on the front panels.

The year 2017 marks the end of the line for five Microsoft applications: Office 2007, Exchange Server 2007, SharePoint Server 2007, Visio 2007, and Project 2007. Microsoft will no longer support these applications because they are at the end of their lifecycles. If your business is running any of these applications, you should consider upgrading them before the support stops. Here are the dates to remember: On April 11, 2017, support will end for SharePoint…

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How to Master Autocorrect on your iOS Devices

Dec 30, 2016
Hand holding an iPhone displaying the lock screen showing the time 12:23.

Not everyone is a great speller, and you don’t need to be if you use modern technology. Nothing feels worse than sending an email and catching a blatant misspelling moments after you’ve pressed “Send.” Tiny keyboards can also make it impossible to tap the right letter, contributing to accidental misspellings. Autocorrect can help you avoid these frustrations, and is conveniently included with all modern iOS devices. As its name implies, Autocorrect is a feature inside…

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4 Signs Your Hard Drive is About to Fail

Dec 30, 2016
Blurred close-up of a computer motherboard with various electronic components.

Whether you have a solid state or mechanical drive there is always a chance the device will fail. Regardless of the type of drive, your computer usually will show subtle signs of a pending disk failure. Paying attention to these signs can save you from unexpectedly losing the data stored on your drive. 1. Intermittent File Corruption or Missing Files Hard drives store data in a specific place that is then later used to retrieve…

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