What the Experts Say: Global Technology Market Growth in 2022

global-technology-marketWouldn’t it be nice to have a crystal ball that could reveal every new tech development over the course of 2022 so you could make plans and adjust your business accordingly? While such magic does not exist, especially in a world that is ever-changing and evolving, there are certain statistics, reports, and markers that can be used to accurately predict global technology market growth areas that could impact your organization. Information technology services, cloud service providers, and unified communications solution opportunities are just some of the areas that companies watch each year to help them stay ahead of the curve. When you work with Synivate and take advantage of our innovative technology solutions, you can position your business to be prepared and ready for whatever comes next.

The 2022 Forrester Report

One of the most reliable reports that businesses use to determine the growth patterns and changes that they will make in the coming year is the annual Forrester report. The 2022 prediction report reveals which aspects of the global technology market are expanding the fastest. This year software and IT services are expected to see the most significant gains, growing by 10.5 percent and 6.8 percent, respectively. These expectations are based on a number of factors and figures collected, including the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic made upon various industries. While cloud service providers saw their largest increase in the past year of more than 40 percent, growth in this area is expected to continue to expand at a more normal rate of pace.

It cannot be disputed that there were many setbacks that occurred during 2020-2021, some of which have even carried on into 2022. However, there were also many advancements that were made, particularly in the area of information technology services, enterprise data storage via cloud solutions, and a move toward a more unified communications solution across multiple industries. Remote and hybrid work situations for IT departments, including 24/7 monitoring and management services, as provided by Synivate, have also grown considerably in recent years and expect to continue expanding throughout the year – and beyond. Issues that became more significant during remote work situations, including data privacy, data management, network security, and multiple endpoint risks, are also being addressed through software innovations and cybersecurity technologies.

The Global Technology Market

When it comes to staying ahead of the curve with respect to the global technology market, some businesses need to be more concerned than others. However, certain tech advances and movements should be at least watched, particularly for those who work in industries like telecommunications, data processing, insurance, media, networking, financial, and professional services, which are all anticipated to see strong growth in 2022. Even with issues like interest rates and inflation, the nation’s GDP is still expected to rise approximately 3.6 percent. Software development, cloud service providers, and even communications hardware and technology are all anticipated to grow throughout the year in response to demands from various industries around the world.

Small and mid-sized businesses need to stay on top of the latest technology trends and growth patterns to prevent being left behind in the next big expansion. Renewable energy, green products, and other environmentally-focused industries are all turning to technology to realize their goals. In particular, the automotive industry has been charged with improving fuel economy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. However, even everyday devices that consumers rely on each day are also being revamped and retooled to be more efficient. The Forrester report touches on this, revealing the high interest in technology in this area. Many different types of businesses are all turning to the innovations of the global technology market to help make their organizations more efficient. In fact, a “green energy revolution” is anticipated by the end of the year, with renewable energy as a primary focus for businesses in the future. Is your company ready for all of the new technology and advancements in 2022? Contact Synivate to discuss your options and get a FREE comprehensive evaluation of your existing network, software, and information technology services. Call our team at 617-848-1248 or use our online contact form to request a call from one of our team members.

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