Taking a Mobile First Approach: Online Development for Business

mobile first strategyIt is essential to have a strategy in place whenever you make the decision to create a new online product for your business. Whether you are thinking about creating a new website, app, or resource to help improve user function or find better solutions for mobile devices, you need to have a solid plan. Many of today’s businesses are now using what is known as a mobile first web strategy, meaning that they work with developers and designers to focus on how the product will benefit mobile users before anything else. Back in the day, traditional websites and applications were more focused on desktop users, especially for business. What are the benefits of using this type of mobile-centric approach to online development for business?

A Better Digital Experience

One of the most clear advantages associated with a mobile first web strategy is having the ability to improve the user’s digital experience. Regardless of how a customer or potential customer finds your business, you will usually only have one opportunity to make a positive first impression. Solutions for mobile devices, including mobile websites and apps, help to forge a relationship with the consumer and help to win them to your brand. Whether you sell products, services, or offer free advice and support, it is essential for your visitors to be able to use all of the features and resources available on your website without any issues. Slow-loading pages, functions that do not work properly, links that go to nowhere, and interactive features that fizzle out without providing any real benefit, these are just some of the problems that users can experience with business-based websites. Unfortunately, it can take just one bad experience for your customers to move on to one of your competitors.

While a laptop or desktop computer will offer the user more options for loading large pages, graphics, and files, a mobile device will have certain limitations. Learning to develop for smartphones, tabs, and other handheld devices can ensure that every visitor who comes to your online development for business will be able to get the full experience. When a web developer begins a project by designing for the smallest screen to ensure that it can offer a quality result for every user, it is possible to layer in additional options for larger computers and screens to maximize the finished product. This ensures that every user has a positive experience without any issues caused by device limitations or by cutting down the quality of the overall product to accommodate the smaller screens.

The Mobile First Approach

Studies show that there are more than 2 billion people around the globe who access the internet from a smartphone or another small, mobile device. It is estimated that more than 70 percent of all users will use mobile devices to access the internet on a regular basis by the year 2025. Smartphone sales outpace laptop and computer desktop sales every single year and it has been that way since 2012. When it comes to business properties, online shopping, mobile gaming, and even basic search functions, mobile devices far exceed traditional home or corporate computer devices every single time. Everyone is moving to mobile it seems – even Google has changed its algorithm to ensure the best possible results for mobile users over desktop visitors. Having a mobile-friendly website suddenly has even more perks!

Content matters when designing a mobile first web strategy. Visual elements, as well as functional keys and menus, should remain a top priority. Focus on providing each visitor with the exact experience they need in order to make a purchase or sign up for your website. Low profile UI constructions, including collapsible menus and accordion listings, can help to maximize space while ensuring a user-friendly navigation system for your web-based properties. Some of the best practices include keeping things simple, yet not scrimping on creative design, ensuring quick loading for all features and functions, and making sure the user experience is positive from start to finish. To learn more about maximizing your solutions for mobile devices to improve user function, contact Synivate by calling 617-848-1248.

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