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phishing attack new orleans

State of Emergency: Disruptive Phishing Attacks in New Orleans

Dec 18, 2019

While it might sound like an episode of a popular drama series that takes place in New Orleans, the city was under attack by hackers recently, forcing the mayor to declare a state of emergency. Phishing attempts, ransomware, and suspicious activity were all detected on the city’s network in December at approximately five o’clock in…

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innovative technology solutions boston

Innovative Solutions: Data Centers & Cloud Computing in Boston

Dec 18, 2019

As one year passes and a new one begins, it’s time for those who work with technology to look to the future. How will the continuous evolution of the tech world change the way that you do business? What will consumers demand, and how will you respond? Remote management services, IT consulting, and innovative technology…

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A person in a dark hoodie sits in front of a laptop in a dimly lit room, creating a mysterious and ominous atmosphere.

Retail Cybercrime in Boston: Protecting Your Essential Data

Nov 25, 2019

‘Tis the season for the retail industry to achieve some of their biggest numbers of the year! Unfortunately, Greater Boston network security experts say that retail is one of the most vulnerable sectors when it comes to cyber-attacks, and there have been more recorded each year than in any other industry. As retail organizations prepare…

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Man in business attire gesturing angrily at a computer screen.

Boston IT Security and the Dangers of Outdated Business Tech

Nov 25, 2019

One survey recently revealed that more than 50 percent of business respondents stated that their office was either “moderately” or “completely” outdated concerning business technology. Anti-virus monitoring in Boston can only do so much if the technology and software used to run the business are outdated. Greater Boston managed service providers must take an active…

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A young professional in a business suit sits at a desk, looking off to the side while working in a modern office with multiple computer monitors.

New Phishing Email Campaign Now Targeting Companies in the US

Nov 25, 2019

After taking a European tour that included Germany and Italy, a new phishing email campaign has hit the United States this month. The goal of this particular attack is to spread a trojan onto computers after getting victims to take their phishing bait. Phishing attacks aren’t anything new. In fact, they have been around for…

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A hand holding a credit card in front of a laptop with a cup of coffee and Christmas decorations nearby.

Employees Put Boston Business At-Risk When Shopping at Work

Nov 25, 2019

The holiday season is in full swing, and everyone is getting excited! What’s the harm in doing a little bit of shopping online at the office during a lunch break? Many people visit popular websites during work hours on company computers, but most have no idea that they are putting their employer at-risk because of…

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industrial internet of things

Magical World of Technology: Industrial Internet of Things

Oct 30, 2019

If you have been watching the growth of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and wondered how you might apply it to your business model, take a look at how Disney Parks is using it to their advantage. In a partnership with Hitachi, the goal is to help advance the innovations at Disney’s global theme parks.…

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boston cybersecurity awareness

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Prepare Your Boston Business

Oct 30, 2019

The month of October was dubbed Cybersecurity Awareness Month. How did you celebrate? Did you take the time to read up on the latest network security technologies? Did you upgrade your security programs to provide better protection for your business? Did you create a back-up and recovery plan? Small and large companies are both regular…

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cloud computing in boston

Compliance and the Cloud: Boston Cloud Computing and Security

Oct 30, 2019

As more industries begin to shift their workloads from an on-premises infrastructure to cloud managed networks and servers, issues begin to arise concerning data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance. While some industries have little to no regulation regarding data, others are drowning in it. The healthcare industry is one such example where potential risks associated…

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